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***THANK YOU to the ACLJ Action members and supporters who filed over 11,000 direct challenges to Biden’s VA***
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The Biden Administration’s Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) has issued an illegal Interim Final Rule (IFR) to allow abortion-on-demand up until the point of birth.
Contrary to federal and state law, the IFR amends the VA’s medical regulations to create broad exceptions to the exclusion of abortion procedures for veterans receiving medical care from the VA. It also eliminates the exclusion of abortion counseling.
As a result of this rule, the VA announced last week that it performed the first abortion in its history.
The Biden Administration must provide an individualized response to each unique submission. Please use our secure system to comment by October 11.
You can be most effective by adding 3-4 sentences of your own personal thoughts, concerns, or stories related to this important issue.