** This campaign is now closed after the House of Representatives adopted this amendment and passed the bill.**
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In October 2022, the Biden Administration’s Department of Defense (DOD) issued an unprecedented memo allowing the DOD to cover the travel and transportation costs of certain service members seeking abortions. This is a violation of federal law, which explicitly prohibits the DOD from using funds or facilities to perform an abortion except in very limited instances.
Injecting divisive abortion policies into our country’s national security policies both violates the consciences of tens of millions of taxpayers who unequivocally oppose abortion and hurts military readiness, recruitment, and morale.
The National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) will be amended today and passed on the House floor soon. Encourage your Member to support Amendment 377 to the NDAA, which would prohibit the Secretary of Defense from paying for or reimbursing expenses relating to abortion services and preventing any funds from being used to carry out the October 2022 memo. Ensuring Amendment 377’s inclusion in the final House NDAA would be a victory for conscientious taxpayers and a pathway toward a more cohesive and focused military.